
Creating the Perfect Purple Cut Crease: A Step-by-Step Makeup Tutorial

The Purple Cut Crease Makeup Look is an elegant and sophisticated style that adds depth and drama to your eyes, making them the focal point of your face. This makeup technique is perfect for special occasions, evening events, or anytime you want to add an extra touch of glamour to your appearance. Before diving into the step-by-step tutorial, let’s begin with a brief description of the hairstyle that complements this makeup look.

A sleek and simple hairstyle, such as a high ponytail or a smooth bun, pairs beautifully with the purple cut crease makeup. Keeping the hair neat and away from the face emphasizes the intricate details of the eye makeup, allowing the vibrant colors and sharp lines to take center stage.

Step-by-Step Purple Cut Crease Makeup Tutorial

1. Preparing Your Canvas

Before applying any color, start by priming your eyelids. This step is crucial for creating a smooth, even base that enhances the eyeshadow’s pigment and longevity. A good eye primer will eliminate redness and create a neutral canvas for the colors to come.

2. Laying the Foundation with a Soft Pink Eyeshadow

Using a fluffy blending brush, apply a soft pink eyeshadow from the Blend Bunny palette into the crease of your eyelid. This acts as a transitional shade, setting the stage for deeper colors. Start with light, circular motions to ensure even application and a seamless blend.

3. Gradually Adding Depth

Introduce darker shades into the crease gradually, focusing on building intensity and depth. The key here is to blend, blend, blend! Each new layer should be applied with precision and care, ensuring that the colors transition smoothly into one another.

4. Sculpting the Cut Crease

With a tiny pencil brush, carefully outline the cut crease above your natural crease line. Once the shape is defined, use a softer, fluffy brush to blend the edges slightly. This creates a sharp contrast that is essential for the cut crease look.

5. Deepening the Outer Eyelid

Apply a darker eyeshadow to the outer portion of the eyelid to add dimension. This step enhances the dramatic effect of the cut crease, giving the illusion of deeper, more captivating eyes.

6. Defining the Crease with Concealer

Using a flat concealer brush, apply MAC’s Pro Longwear Concealer over the cut crease line. Ensure the concealer is slightly tacky before applying a pigmented eyeshadow on top. This helps the color adhere better and makes the cut crease pop.

7. Adding the Final Touches

Complete the look with a winged eyeliner, curling your lashes, and applying mascara. For added drama, apply a pair of dramatic false lashes. Brighten the inner corner of your eye with a matte white eyeshadow, and balance the look with a smokey purple eyeshadow along the lower lash line.

8. Setting Your Makeup

To ensure your makeup stays in place all day or night, set your look with a translucent powder and a setting spray. This will keep your makeup looking fresh and prevent it from smudging or fading.

The Purple Cut Crease Makeup Look is a stunning choice that elevates any outfit and adds a touch of sophistication to your overall appearance. By following these detailed steps and tips, you can achieve a professional-looking cut crease that’s sure to turn heads. Remember, makeup is an art form—don’t be afraid to express yourself and have fun with it. With patience and practice, you’ll master this glamorous look and make it uniquely yours.

Natalia Dmitrieva

I’m Natalia Dmitrieva, the creative force behind With over a decade of expertise in makeup artistry, I share unique ideas on manicures, hairstyles, and makeup. Join me in exploring beauty and style inspirations!

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